Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Finding Peace in Times of Stress

I have been realizing more and more lately that my life is an absolute WHIRLWIND!  I traveled so much last month while balancing full-time nursing school, clinical internship, and pageant prep (see previous blog post for more on that).  A typical day from me begins before 7am and ends after 7pm.

I am constantly "on the go".  However, this is not a rare thing in our society... most people have incredibly busy lives.  With such hectic schedules, our own mental and physical health becomes increasingly important, yet we have decreasing amounts of time to dedicate to ourselves.  Self-care and stress relief is extremely important for everybody, no matter how busy!

The big question here is this: How does Miss Vermont USA find time to care for herself, stay grounded, and keep going with a positive outlook?  She makes time to do some very important things, and considers them to be of equal importance in her life to schoolwork and pageant preparation.  She understands that she needs to be grounded and energized in order to be effective in anything.


Here are my tips for stress relief and happiness!
  • Find time to move your body!  Even just a 15 minute run, a brisk walk after dinner, a spinning class, or a jump in the pool counts.  Play outside, go to a class, or hit the gym!  I am always SO relaxed after spending time working out... it is good for the mind (releases endorphins) AND for the body!  This is time well spent, and you will thank yourself with better health and more energy.
  • Try a yoga class.  I get to yoga at least once/week, and I stretch on my own each day.  Again, it is good for the mind AND body.  Classes can be gentle and soothing or vigorous and sweaty, and it instills an inner peace incomparable to anything else.  (if you are from Vermont, check out Jane Yoga!)
  • Minimize processed food.   Much of the food we are offered in our country is created with chemicals, salt, and lots of sugar in factories and packaged into plastic bags and cardboard boxes.  Many of these things are difficult to digest, and the high sugar content can really throw our body out of order. 
  • Indulge in natural, real food.  Increase your intake of fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and animal products that are produced without hormones and antibiotics.  

  • Choose lean meat.  Say "no" to Mc Donald's and "yes" to lean meat, grilled chicken, and fish!  One serving size of meat is 3oz, which is equivalent to a deck of cards.
  • Watch your portions!  I eat a healthy snack or small meal every 2-3 hours to keep my blood sugar levels constant and my hunger at bay.
  • Get your sleep!  Before bed, take time to unwind.  Reflect on what happened throughout your day before you climb into bed, and give yourself time for 7-8 hours of quality sleep when possible.
  • Think happy thoughts.  If you encounter a setback or disappointment, consider it an opportunity for growth.  I believe that everything happens for a reason.  Life is an opportunity for growth.
  • Take time for yourself.  Write in a journal, read a book, take a walk and enjoy nature.  I wake up 30 minutes before I need to each morning to ground myself and prepare mentally for the day.
  • Listen to music.  Music can be very therapeutic in relaxation.  I listen while I drive, when I "unwind" from my day, and when I work out.  I highly recommend Andy McKee for some peaceful rhythms.

  • Make time for meaningful relationships.  Don't surround yourself with people who drag you down!  Friends and family should be a supportive, loving network.  If you are in an emotionally or physically damaging relationship, it is time to step back and view how the situation can be poisonous to your health.  You are in charge of your own life!
  • Play with animals.  Pets are nonjudgmental, relaxing, and affectionate.  They seem to know exactly what we need.  Go walk your dog, snuggle with your cat, ride a horse, or visit a farm to simply watch the sheep.  Play in a stream and catch frogs.  Be a kid again!  Appreciation of nature is a beautiful thing.

  • Get outside!  We spend so much time inside, at a desk, wired into technology.  Turn off your phone and go hiking, walking, swimming, or biking.  Listen to the birds and breathe in the fresh air.
  • Help somebody else.  Nothing is more gratifying than truly touching another life.  Volunteer, do something nice for a loved one, or be kind to a stranger!
  • Appreciate the little things, and be grateful.  The smiles, beautiful sounds, special friendships,  and wonderful moments.  The sun, trees, and your own two feet.  Your health and your life.  Our country.
  • Smile at a stranger.  You could make their day, and it will make you feel better as well.
  • Find time to laugh.  Laughter is the best medicine!
  • Light a candle.  Peaceful relaxation.

Those are my tips.  It is hard to make time for all of this... but it is so important!  I spend at least an hour moving my body almost every day, I work hard to create time for peaceful sleep, and I plan each meal/snack to be nourishing to my body.  I make time to reflect and unwind at the end of the day, and I appreciate the little things in life as much as possible.  That is not to say I don't get overwhelmed ever... believe me, I do!  With my supportive network of friends and family, my self-care practices, and my relaxation techniques, I am able to maintain a positive and energetic outlook on life.  Give some of these tips a try!


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